Liberty Mutual Insurance Social Content

Our objective was to give the brand its own personality and voice to speak to our consumers and followers and ensure that they are always thinking about insurance and the possibility of a sentimental physiological action that could result in a future lead.

Content calendars: Here, we use art and copy to appeal to our consumers in order to engage and attract them. We might try to win them over with a cute puppy here and there; however, our message ultimately will have a CTA or an external link that would engage the consumer to sign up for a policy or send the user on a predetermined user journey.

lmi social content

Monthly 15 sec video:

Objective, we were invited to create 15 sec videos for LMI and test out the messaging.

Action: We created an array of  15 sec videos that geared our messaging from static content to video. It was more engaging in the second batch where we created consumer engaging content.

Result: In the first batch of videos we were able to get creative recognition from Facebook and our creative was featured in the Video Ad Creative Spotlight. You can see it here.

You can view some of the videos on the Liberty Mutual Facebook Page.

Mary Kay Media Plan
Class Work
Huco Consulting Responsive Website Redesign