Reckitt Benckiser: Palmas Pelo Brasil(Clap for Brazil)

Challenge: To make people aware of how to protect against the Zika virus, Ivete Sangalo created music Palmas For Brazil. In the video the singer with very high spirits and rhythm ax, also makes the choreography reinforcing the 3 Steps for prevention: dry sites like standing water, pass insecticide repellent inside and outside the home.

Action: In partnership with Havas Worldwide Brazil, RB launched “Palmas Pelo Brazil” (“Clap for Brazil”), a campaign centered around preventing the Zika virus using the brand’s SBP repellent products. I have managed a digital effort with QA and Launch of a website that was a placeholder for this campaign. From scoping, QAing, working with all internal branches of Havas. The team delivered a clear educational message and brought the nation together for one cause: clap for Brazil to eradicate Zika.

Result: The campaign has garnered over 11.2 million social engagements and 9 million music video views to date.

Visit it here!


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