Verizon Up (Loyalty Program)

Challenge: R/GA was tasked with highlighting one top-tier Loyalty Program live coverage experience. While also focusing on the partnership updates based on their tie-in to culture and mass relevance through social. Also, lead up the Mark Sci aspect of the program as well as work with VM1 (the media agency partner).

Action: Set up and lead an activation team for this loyalty program.

Result: For the Tentpole activations, viewer retention rates through Instagram stories remain high at 92%. Click-through rates are exceeding expectations and surpassing the benchmark by 95%. Each tentpole activation received an average of 54K Instagram Story views. Up Program Overall: Gag drives brand love. Mentions of Gaga account for 10% of all Up mentions. Influencers drive interest and engagement. The Always-On Influencers campaign produced 266K engagements. Awareness and overall sentiment are growing. 38% of Verizon customers are aware.

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